
Toolpack Application:toolpack sys manager

Started By

toolpack_sys_manager is spawned by tboamapp.


Toolpack_sys_manager is responsible for the 'static' configuration of the TelcoBridges products(i.e., elements that should or do not change very often in the system).

It is specifically responsible for:

  • Allocating line interfaces
  • Allocating stacks (ie. ISDN, MTP3, SIP)
  • Managing the system clock(s)
  • Creating NAP lists

High Availability

Toolpack_sys_manager is a Active/Standby type of application. The first toolpack_sys_manager instance to be ready will become active, if other instances are ready they will remain standby. The standby instances won't take any actions on the system as long as the active instance is functioning. In the eventuality where the active becomes unavailable, the standby instance will become active. The active instance stays active, there is no fall back to the primary.


  • Where are the logs located?