
Creating an SNMPv3 User

This article applies to: Product Version
Tmedia 3.0, 3.2, 3.3
SBC 3.1, 3.3

Note: If SNMPv3 is used, for security reasons SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 users should be removed completely from the configuration.

To create a new SNMPv3 user:

1-Click Services in the navigation panel.

2-Select the SNMP tab.

3-Click Create New SNMPv3 User

3-In the user creation window:

  • Enter a unique name for the user
  • Click the check box to allow or disallow the write privilege for the current community
  • Click the security level drop-down box to select authentication and privacy settings
  • Click the authentication drop-down box to select the authentication algorithm to use
  • Enter a pass phrase in the password phrase text box to set an authentication pass phrase
  • Click the privacy protocol drop-down box to select the privacy standard to use
  • Enter a pass phrase in the privacy phrase text box to set a privacy pass phrase
  • Click Save

  • Verify that the "SNMP user was successfully created" message is displayed.



Parameters (text)

authentication          = "MD5"
password_phrase         = "Not Shown"
privacy_phrase          = "Not Shown"
privacy_protocol        = "DES"
security_level          = "Authentication"
username                = "SnmpV3"
write_operation_allowed = false

Parameters (json)

  "authentication" : "MD5",
  "password_phrase" : "Not Shown",
  "privacy_phrase" : "Not Shown",
  "privacy_protocol" : "DES",
  "security_level" : "Authentication",
  "username" : "SnmpV3",
  "write_operation_allowed" : false

List of Parameters