
Creating an M2PA SAP

This article applies to: Product Version
Tmedia 3.0, 3.2, 3.3

After you create an M2PA configuration, you must create a new M2PA service access point (SAP). This functions as the identifying label for endpoints in the network.

To create a new M2PA SAP:

1- Select M2PA from the navigation panel

2- Click Create new M2PA Sap

3- Configure the new M2PA SAP:

  • Enter a name for the SAP
  • Enter an SCTP source port for the SAP
  • Click Create

4- Verify that the "M2pa Sap was successfully created" message appears

5- Associate IP interfaces

  • Select an IP interface from the list in the information panel
  • Click the "<<" button to add the selected IP interface. This is the outgoing route from the hardware adapter.





Parameters (text)

ip_interfaces       = [ "@[hardware_name].@[voip_name]" ]
name                = "@[m2pa_sap]"
sctp_source_port    = 3565

abort_nego_if_nb_stream_mismatch = false
bundle_timer                     = ""
cookie_life_time                 = "30 seconds"
flow_control_down_threshold      = 1000
flow_control_up_threshold        = 2000
freeze_timer                     = "1500 milliseconds"
handle_init_data                 = true
heartbeat_delay                  = "1500 milliseconds"
max_data_burst                   = 4
max_data_size                    = 1000
max_datagrams_ack                = 10
max_delay_ack                    = "100 milliseconds"
rto_init                         = "1500 milliseconds"
rto_max                          = "2 seconds"
rto_max_hearbeat                 = 1
rto_min                          = "100 milliseconds"
shutdown_guard_timer             = "75 seconds"

maximum_primitive_retry = 5
sctp_association_timer  = "3 minutes"
sctp_datagram_lifetime  = 200
sctp_primitive_timer    = "1 second"

Parameters (json)

  "advanced_parameters" : {
    "abort_nego_if_nb_stream_mismatch" : false,
    "bundle_timer" : "",
    "cookie_life_time" : "30 seconds",
    "flow_control_down_threshold" : 1000,
    "flow_control_up_threshold" : 2000,
    "freeze_timer" : "1500 milliseconds",
    "handle_init_data" : true,
    "heartbeat_delay" : "1500 milliseconds",
    "max_data_burst" : 4,
    "max_data_size" : 1000,
    "max_datagrams_ack" : 10,
    "max_delay_ack" : "100 milliseconds",
    "rto_init" : "1500 milliseconds",
    "rto_max" : "2 seconds",
    "rto_max_hearbeat" : 1,
    "rto_min" : "100 milliseconds",
    "shutdown_guard_timer" : "75 seconds"
  "ip_interfaces" : [
  "name" : "@[m2pa_sap]",
  "sctp_source_port" : 3565,
  "timers" : {
    "maximum_primitive_retry" : 5,
    "sctp_association_timer" : "3 minutes",
    "sctp_datagram_lifetime" : 200,
    "sctp_primitive_timer" : "1 second"

List of Parameters