
Creating User groups

Applies to version v2.9, v2.10, v3.0

One or more user groups can be created to define access rights, such as read only, read/write, or no access at all. Access rights can be assigned to all regions of the web portal or to specific areas.

To create a user group:

1- Click Users in the navigation panel.

2- Select the User Groups tab and click Create New User Groups, to add a new user group.

3- Assign a name to the user group in the Name field.

4- Configure the access for the user group by one of the following two methods:

4a- Select an Authorization type, from the Apply All field , such as:

  • Read
  • Read/Write
  • No access

This will apply the authorization to all regions of the web portal.

4b- Customize authorization and access individually by setting the authorization type in each web portal field.

5- Click Create.



Parameters (text)

name                   = @[user_group_name]

1+1                   = "Read"
applications          = "Read"
audio_prompts         = "Read"
backups               = "Read"
bits_clock_interfaces = "Read"
call_trace            = "Read"
cas                   = "Read"
clocking              = "Read"
configurations        = "Read"
file_db               = "Read"
gateway               = "Read"
h.248                 = "Read"
hardware_units        = "Read"
hosts                 = "Read"
ip_interfaces         = "Read"
isdn                  = "Read"
isup                  = "Read"
iua                   = "Read"
lawful_interception   = "Read"
logs                  = "Read"
m2pa                  = "Read"
m2ua                  = "Read"
m3ua                  = "Read"
mtp2                  = "Read"
mtp3                  = "Read"
nap_columns           = "Read"
naps                  = "Read"
nats                  = "Read"
packages_and_licenses = "Read"
point_codes           = "Read"
profiles              = "Read"
radius                = "Read"
report                = "Read"
routes                = "Read"
routesets             = "Read"
routing_script        = "Read"
sccp                  = "Read"
sctp                  = "Read"
services              = "Read"
sip                   = "Read"
statistics            = "Read"
status                = "Read"
system                = "Read"
tcap                  = "Read"
tdm_line_interfaces   = "Read"
test_call             = "Read"
users                 = "Read"

Parameters (json)

  "authorization_sections" : {
    "1+1" : "Read",
    "applications" : "Read",
    "audio_prompts" : "Read",
    "backups" : "Read",
    "bits_clock_interfaces" : "Read",
    "call_trace" : "Read",
    "cas" : "Read",
    "clocking" : "Read",
    "configurations" : "Read",
    "file_db" : "Read",
    "gateway" : "Read",
    "h.248" : "Read",
    "hardware_units" : "Read",
    "hosts" : "Read",
    "ip_interfaces" : "Read",
    "isdn" : "Read",
    "isup" : "Read",
    "iua" : "Read",
    "lawful_interception" : "Read",
    "logs" : "Read",
    "m2pa" : "Read",
    "m2ua" : "Read",
    "m3ua" : "Read",
    "mtp2" : "Read",
    "mtp3" : "Read",
    "nap_columns" : "Read",
    "naps" : "Read",
    "nats" : "Read",
    "packages_and_licenses" : "Read",
    "point_codes" : "Read",
    "profiles" : "Read",
    "radius" : "Read",
    "report" : "Read",
    "routes" : "Read",
    "routesets" : "Read",
    "routing_script" : "Read",
    "sccp" : "Read",
    "sctp" : "Read",
    "services" : "Read",
    "sip" : "Read",
    "statistics" : "Read",
    "status" : "Read",
    "system" : "Read",
    "tcap" : "Read",
    "tdm_line_interfaces" : "Read",
    "test_call" : "Read",
    "users" : "Read"
  "name" : @[user_group_name]