
Enabling SIP Spiral

This article applies to: Product Version
Tmedia 3.0, 3.2, 3.3
SBC 3.1, 3.3

SIP spiral permits a SIP request to be routed to a proxy, forwarded onwards, and then be returned once again to the proxy with processing instructions that differ from the original request.

To enable SIP Spiral:

1- Select SIP from the navigation panel

2- Select a SIP configuration from the Sip Configuration List

3- Click Quirks to view options.

  • Set the Support Spiral Call checkbox.
  • Click Save



Parameters (text)

add_angle_brackets_around_sip_uri        = true
advanced_transport_servers_configuration = false
clear_subscriptions_on_call_complete     = false
etsi_ts102_0272_2006_compliant           = false
generate_space_after_colon               = false
refuse_initial_invite_with_to_tag        = false
support_latin_characters                 = false
support_method_update                    = true
support_pound_and_backslash_in_user_info = true
support_quotes_in_quoted_string          = false
support_spiral_call                      = false

Parameters (json)

  "name" : "@[sipStack_Name]",
  "quirks_and_advanced_parameters" : {
    "add_angle_brackets_around_sip_uri" : true,
    "advanced_transport_servers_configuration" : false,
    "clear_subscriptions_on_call_complete" : false,
    "etsi_ts102_0272_2006_compliant" : false,
    "generate_space_after_colon" : false,
    "refuse_initial_invite_with_to_tag" : false,
    "support_latin_characters" : false,
    "support_method_update" : true,
    "support_pound_and_backslash_in_user_info" : true,
    "support_quotes_in_quoted_string" : false,
    "support_spiral_call" : false

List of Parameters