
Tmedia Upgrades

Revision as of 17:00, 11 January 2023 by Luc Morissette (talk | contribs)

TelcoBridges' products can be upgraded to:

  • Increase a unit capacity
  • Acquire new features / enhancements

Upgrades are achieved by using one or more of the following methods:

Hardware Upgrades

When purchasing increased capacity, the unit may required additional VoIP hardware. Contact technical support for the hardware upgrade procedure.

License Upgrades

A license upgrade is required in the following situations:

  • Increasing the capacity / unlocking a signaling stack
  • Upgrading to a new major version
  • Extending the expiration date of a temporary license
  • Converting a temporary license into a permanent license


Software Upgrades

It is possible to do any type of upgrades (minor and major) using the web portal:

Migrate current database

An option is available to whether migrate change made in one software version database to next major version database during a major software upgrade in special circumstance.

Operating System Upgrades

The software is running over CentOS operating system. To upgrade the operating system, it requires the following procedure: