
Offline Repository Procedure for CentOS 7

Revision as of 09:54, 12 September 2022 by Allyntree (talk | contribs)

This describes the configuration of CentOS packages manager for a system that does not have access to TelcoBridges repository (no internet access).

Download TelcoBridges repository

Download the ISO image of TelcoBridges repository on a machine that has access to the system.

Upload TelcoBridges repository to the system

Upload the ISO file to the "/root" directory of the system with scp or a SFTP tool like FileZilla

Mount the ISO file on the system

Mount the ISO file on your system

# mkdir -p /repo/centos/7
# mount -t iso9660 -o loop /root/tb_centos7_x86_64_repo.iso /repo/centos/7

Change TelcoBridges repository file

Edit the TB-Base.repo file

# vim /etc/yum.repos.d/TB-Base.repo

Change [tb-base] baseurl line to:


Update CentOS 7

# yum clean metadata
# yum update

Delete ISO file

Since the repository file is quite large, it is better to delete it after the update is complete:

# rm /root/*repo.iso