
Adding NAP Grouping Script

Revision as of 11:08, 13 June 2022 by Allyntree (talk | contribs) (format)

This article applies to: Product Version
Tmedia 2.9, 2.10, 3.0, 3.1

This article describe how to add NAP Grouping script to any Routing scripts.

Script description

This filter is used to dynamically generate routes from a Regex. The trick is to use the NAP names to identify which NAPs are in the same group. The example in the file provides information about "SIP_. *"Use instead "/GROUPA_.*/".

For example:

  • GROUPA_SIP_NAP_10_10_10_10
  • GROUPA_SIP_NAP_10_10_10_11
  • GROUPA_SIP_NAP_10_10_10_12
  • GROUPB_SIP_NAP_10_10_20_20
  • GROUPB_SIP_NAP_10_10_20_21
  • GROUPC_SIP_NAP_10_10_30_30

Then, in your routes, you can use the Route Column "additional_naps" to put /GROUPA_.*/

Add NAP Grouping Scripts in the system

Download this file

Setting up NAP Grouping Scripts

To set up a Filter, the main script needs to be modified. The main script can be either simple_routing.rb, simple_routing_sbc.rb, or any other script.

Go to the routing script section of the Web portal

Gateway -> Routing scripts -> Example Scripts -> simple_routing.rb [Edit]

Three things need to be added. At the start of the script:

require 'multiple_naps'

In the main class:

include MultipleNaps
before_filter :method => :multiple_naps

The final script will look like this:

require 'base_routing'
require 'multiple_naps'

class SimpleRouting < BaseRouting
  include MultipleNaps
  before_filter :method => :multiple_naps

  route_match :call_field_name => :called
  route_match :call_field_name => :calling
  route_match :call_field_name => :nap
  route_remap :call_field_name => :called, :route_field_name => :remapped_called
  route_remap :call_field_name => :calling, :route_field_name => :remapped_calling
  route_remap :call_field_name => :nap, :route_field_name => :remapped_nap


Adding New Custom Variable
You must add a custom column to use this script.

Gateway -> Routes -> Create New Route Column

Name: additional_naps
Type attributes: text